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Academic Positions

Spring 2021

Teaching Assistant and Lab Instructor

ANTH 2463: “The Science of our Past: An Introduction of Archaeology”, taught by Dr. Kacy Hollenback, Department of Anthropology, Southern Methodist University.

Fall 2020

Teaching Assistant and Lab Instructor

ANTH 2463: “The Science of our Past: An Introduction of Archaeology”, taught by Dr. Kacy Hollenback and Dr. Mike Adler, Department of Anthropology, Southern Methodist University.

Spring 2020

Teaching Assistant and Lab Instructor

ANTH 2463: “The Science of our Past: An Introduction of Archaeology”, taught by Dr. Kacy Hollenback, Department of Anthropology, Southern Methodist University.

Fall 2019

Teaching Assistant

ANTH 2302: “Peoples of the Earth”, taught by Dr. Matthew Boulanger, Department of Anthropology, Southern Methodist University.



University of York | Master of Arts

York, England

In Medieval Archaeology

Advisor: Dr. Steve Ashby


Texas A&M University | Bachelor of Arts

College Station, Texas, USA

In Anthropology and International Studies


Southern Methodist University | PhD Student

Dallas, Texas, USA

In Anthropology 

Advisor: Dr. Sunday Eiselt

& Expertise

  • Language:

    • French- Intermediate

    • Spanish- Basic

  • Analysis:

    • Basic lithic analysis​

    • Archival preservation

    • Aging, sexing, and taphonomy of human remains

    • Digitization

  • Software/Technology:

    • Microsoft Office​

    • Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop

    • ScanTailor

    • Wordpress

    • Silverfast

Research Interests

  • Southwest Archaeology​

  • Mortuary Archaeology

  • Gender Studies

  • Hohokam Archaeology

  • Tribal and Community-Based Archaeology

  • Osteology

Membership of Professional and Honorary Organizations

2019- Present

Society for American Archaeology



Institute of Nautical Archaeology

Work Experience

Jan 2017 - Aug 2017


Institute for Nautical Archaeology

College Station, Texas, USA

Jan 2014 - Dec 2017


Institute for Nautical Archaeology

College Station, Texas, USA


Lupo, Karen D., Dave N. Schmitt, McKenzie J. Alford, Gwen M. Bakke, Nicolette M. Edwards, Spencer F.X. Lambert, Leanna Maguire, and Anne B. Parfitt

2021  The Floating Island Cave mammals: Paleoecology,

abundance indices, and human subsistence through a taphonomic lens. Journal of Archaeological Science Reports 37:102997


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